Thursday, April 26, 2012

I couldn't do it...

I tried, but I just couldn't.  I got THIS close (that's super-duper close) to pressing the "" share button on the National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) page, but I just couldn't do it.  I mean, I'm kind of shaky I was that close.  Of course, that could be my morning coffee, but I digress. 

Most of my family and friends know that Mr. Mags and I have been struggling with infertility for a long time, but to put it on and really tell "the world" so to speak?  I guess I'm not ready to tell EVERYONE.  I really want to be a great advocate and inform people about infertility, and really, I have no problem telling complete strangers about the woes of the disease...why is it so hard to tell people we know, but aren't necessarily super close with?  What's stopping me? 

Have you guys "come out of the closet"? Do you think it's beneficial to tell people or keep it to yourself?  It's hard to raise awareness and NOT talk about it.  Humm...maybe tomorrow....and less coffee might help too.

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