Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I have a secret...

Soooooo…I know I said Mr. Mags and I are taking a break from fertility treatments, and we are, but doing absolutely nothing to at least try a little tiny bit has been driving me batty.  So, at the beginning of this cycle I busted out and dusted off my old fertility monitor.  I tried to hide it from Mr. Mags because he really needs this break and I didn’t want to put pressure on him, but I think the excessive test sticks in the bathroom trashcan gave me away.  He hasn’t said anything, it’s just one of those, “he knows, that I know, that he knows, that I know, but we still aren’t gonna say anything” kinds of things.

So that’s my secret.  Juicy, I know. *eye waggle*

Except, really, it’s not that juicy because I am on CD 25 and ovulation is no where in sight and, I am assuming, not going to happen.  Plus I’ve been experiencing some mild cramping.  So basically I am throwing money into the trashcan because in the 5 plus years I’ve had this damn monitor it has shown ovulation a total of 3 times.  2 times were medicated.  Smart, I know.

That’s it for now ladies.  I will continue to satisfy my need to pee on test strips to get me through this break and let you all know if I get that blessed little egg picture at the top of the bar.  Sure, it costs money, but I figure it’s good for my sanity to know if I ovulate, right?  Because then if I do ovulate, I can put myself through the 2WW and then pee on more sticks!  Right…..RIGHT?!? 

 Seriously, peak ovulation on CD 15??  Who ever heard of such a thing?!?!  
Hahaha *snort* ha
Not this PCOS girl.


  1. Just found your blog and since I also am living in SF and I have PCOS and I'm dealing with infertility I thought I would pop by and say hello. Also that I hate my fertility monitor ;-) It's shown me ovulation 2 times in a year in a half...both medicated cycles! The evil bitch just reminds me that I don't ovulate! Nevertheless I faithfully pee on a stick for her every time she asks for it. I'm such a sucker for POAS.

  2. Hi Jesica, thanks for stopping by! I totally feel ya...and you know what? I just got the two packs of test strips in that I ordered from Costco. 60 strips ought to do me for a while, right? :)
